Sunday, May 13, 2007


I went golfing with my dad and brother at a golf course on the shoreline. It had a few scenic holes parallel with the ocean and had scattered lava hazards throughout the course. It wasn't a challenging course. However, I lack the ability to play a solid round of golf, so I had a few difficulties throughout the day. Surprisingly, I was able to at least get the ball of the ground from the tee box, as I was able to take somewhat easy, fluid swing throughout the majority of the round. Nevertheless, I struggled around the greens, duffing nearly a dozen short approach shots and made only a couple sizable putts. We played $5 3-way skins and a putting proposition bet. It shouldn't come as much of a surprise; I lost in both wagers, but it was far less than usual. For the round, I shot a '103'. It is a horrible score, even to my low standards, but I showed promise and am looking forward to going out again on Monday or Tuesday.

I have made it nearly half-way through my book, but I have only gotten burnt the few times I have laid out. 'Telling Lies' is quite an interesting read. It describes scientifically proven methods of identifying whether or not someone is being truthful and insight into the process in which how the human body responds to certain situations.

Besides the session against SB, poker has gone relatively well. I have also worked a lot with Matt. He is showing much improvement and should continue to improve drastically in the next few months. The horses have been playing well and I am planning on bringing a few more players aboard. By the end of the summer, I am planning on hiring as many as (6) additional players. It will start to get over-crowded on, so I am going to start staking player on BattleField Poker as well.

I am looking forward to the many events I have planned in the upcoming months: Mono Hot Springs, golf tournament @ Valencia Country Club, Ryan's Wedding in San Diego, Vegas, Baby! and four more nights in Hawaii. Summer has officially kicked off!


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