Saturday, May 19, 2007

Solemn Saturday

It has been a very difficult couple of days. Shortly after returning from Hawaii, grandpa suffered a stroke late Thursday night. It was very sudden.

Grandpa and Marla picked up my brother, mom, dad and myself from the airport and arrived at grandma and grandpa's at 10:30. We picked-up Del Taco for dinner. Mom and dad spoke with grandma and grandpa in the family room, while Matt and I relaxed in another room, watching television and browsing the Internet. Grandpa joined Matt and I after my parents left. While we were watching Married with Children, grandpa went into his bedroom without any notice and laid down to rest. A few minutes later grandma came in and said she thought grandpa was having a stroke. Emergency services arrived quickly and over the next day and a half grandpa only got worse.

After being taken to the hospital late Thursday night, grandpa was unable to speak. He was soon paralyzed on the right half of his body and could not open his eyes. Early Saturday morning, the doctors issued the worst of news. With blood spreading throughout his brain having doubled from Friday to Saturday, he was given no chance of a full recovery and only a 10 - 30% chance of living longer than thirty days with the assistance of a feeding tube, etc.

After talking to the doctor and amongst one another, it was decided in the best interest of grandpa all forms of living assistance be removed within the next few days. I spoke to him after the decision was made. I talked about the weekends we spent playing cards when he and grandma came over on weekends in which my parents were out of town. It was grandpa who taught me Hold'em and Omaha. At the time, he didn't think much of Hold'em. He thought it was boring, but he showed an interest in Omaha. While I spoke to him, he frequently squeezed my hand, but he could not see, nor respond verbally.

He will be greatly missed and never forgotten. It would be too difficult to put into words; he is just that special.


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